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Changing Your Point of View On Life Insurance

It is fairly easy to understand why so many people at age 18 to 34 do not think they need life insurance. When you are younger, most of your energy is focused on yourself and your personal situation and goals. The older you get and the more your situation changes, so does your point of view. Marriage and children […]

Annuity Payout

When buying a life insurance policy, you have two options when it comes to how your beneficiaries receive money. One way is to get the whole amount all at once, tax free. Another way is to get the death benefits over a period of few years. This option will cost you less in premiums, but […]

When to Go See the Doctor

Insurance agents suggest to visit your primary care physician before shopping for a life insurance policy. All standard forms of life insurance require a medical exam, so it is important to make sure that any issues you had and resolved are updated properly. For example, if you have been a smoker or overweight and changed your […]

Experts Suggest Using Your Home to Fund Retirement Plans

For many retirees, the idea of giving up their family home is a tough proposition to accept. But according to Steven Sass, a research economist at the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, that’s exactly what’s needed for many individuals to afford retirement. “People have a serious behavioral resistance to touching their savings or […]

Be Honest About Your Health

When shopping for life insurance, be honest about your health and any conditions you have. Don’t waste your time by tiptoeing around the topic, because if this specific company will not offer you coverage, there are others that will. Just because your got turned down by one carrier, it doesn’t mean that you will not […]

Plan Network Providers

Before deciding on a health plan, check to see their network requirements. Some plans demand that you see an in-network provider only, and that can be very limiting. Examine their providers list to be sure that you have enough options that are convenient for you if you need to see a doctor, a specialist, and which […]

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